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Simulering som lärande inom prehospital akutsjukvård
Karlstad University, Faculty of Health, Science and Technology (starting 2013), Department of Health Sciences.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1641-6321
2017 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)Alternative title
Simulation as learning in prehospital emergency care (English)
Abstract [sv]

Den prehospitala akutsjukvården är ett komplext kunskapsfält som innebär att vårdaren skall kunna bemöta patient och närstående, bedöma skada, sjukdom och den aktuella situationen samt avgöra vilka vårdåtgärder som skall prioriteras.

Patientens lidande kan lindras genom att vårdaren tränar färdigheter i ett prehospitalt kontext. Detta främjar en god och säker vård samt stärker patientens möjligheter till överlevnad.

Resultatet visar på behovet av simulering inom prehospital akutsjukvård. Med simulering lär sig vårdaren att hantera realistiska, dynamiska och komplexa vårdsituationer, vilket skapar kunskaper, färdigheter och erfarenheter av omhändertagande av patient drabbad av högenergitrauma. Simuleringens utformning och miljö skapar förutsättningar för lärandet vilket framkommer i interventionsstudien.

Utifrån resultatet i föreliggande forskning utvecklas en modell för lärande med hjälp av simulering.

Abstract [en]

The overall aim of the research was to deepen the understanding of learning through simulation in prehospital emergency care.

Method: In this research, qualitative and quantitative methods are used as well as integrative literature studies (I, II). Qualitative data from the interview studies (III, V) were analyzed by phenomenographic methodology. Quantitative data from the intervention study (IV) were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics.

Results: Research on simulation and learning within the prehospital trauma care context is relatively rare (I). Simulation of realistic scenarios where the caregivers are exposed to stress contributes to strengthen caregiver knowledge, skills and experience (II). Caregivers request simulation opportunities regarding critical and emergency situations (III). They describe that learning through regular simulation provides in-depth knowledge and skills in the care of a patient exposed to high-energy trauma (V). Interventions with repeated simulation opportunities related to the care of the patient exposed to high-energy trauma give some improvement in care provided at the site of the accident (IV).

Conclusion: Through simulation, the caregivers develop knowledge and skills and receive enhanced confidence in the care of an injured and sick patient. The research suggests several areas with potential for improvement with regard to the care of patients exposed to high-energy trauma. A model has been developed for systematic trauma simulation.


Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlstad: Karlstads universitet , 2017. , p. 123
Karlstad University Studies, ISSN 1403-8099 ; 13
Keywords [en]
simulation, learning, nurse, high-energy trauma, ambulance
Keywords [sv]
simulering, lärande, sjuksköterska, högenergitrauma, ambulans
National Category
Research subject
Nursing Science
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-62753ISBN: 978-91-7063-765-0 (print)ISBN: 978-91-7063-766-7 (electronic)OAI:, id: diva2:716
Public defence
2017-05-12, 1A305, Lagerlöfsalen, Universitetsgatan 2, 10:00 (Swedish)
Available from: 2017-11-07 Created: 2017-11-07

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