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Project type/Form of grant
International cooperation
Title [sv]
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software
Title [en]
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software
Abstract [sv]
Abstract [en]
ISPASS is the premier conference for researchers targeting computer system performance. ISPASS is supported by the most prominent organization for computer engineering: IEEE. For the first time since its start 16 years ago, ISPASS will be hosted outside of the U.S. ISPASS’ research focus is relevant for Swedish academia, with a good publication track record at ISPASS. A strong focus on system performance also makes ISPASS attractive to Swedish industry. ISPASS will take place in Uppsala, April 17-19 2016 (
Publications (1 of 1) Show all publications
Abelsson, A. (2015). Dom ser döda ut allihop: Att våga fatta svåra beslut. Samverkan 112, April
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Dom ser döda ut allihop: Att våga fatta svåra beslut
2015 (Swedish)In: Samverkan 112, ISSN 1650-7487, Vol. AprilArticle in journal (Other academic) Published
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences Nursing
urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-62739 (URN)
Available from: 2017-11-07 Created: 2017-11-07 Last updated: 2018-10-26
Principal InvestigatorHagersten, Erik
Coordinating organisation
Uppsala University, National Centre for Knowledge on Men
2015-11-01 - 2015-11-30
National Category
Computer ScienceComputer Engineering
DiVA, id: project:12575Project, id: 2015-06348_VR

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